Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Story Theatre Method

Using Emotional Triggers to Enhance Learning - presented by Doug Stevenson

"Flip the Emotional Trigger Switch"!

This was an entertaining session which focused on telling stories within your presentations in order to give your audience an emotional connection that allows them to remember the lessons.
The method:
-the three phases of the story theatre method are choosing, crafting, and performing stories.
-Story Theatre stories are strategically designed to make a point, teach a lesson, or sell a product or service

Choosing Stories:
-use personal stories wherever possible. Some should be funny, and some dramatic and emtional.
-Emotion is the fast lane to the brain. Emotional triggers capture attention and increase retention.
-start with a point in mind. You can use literal or metaphorical stories. Use a variety of story types based on the seven types of stories (which were not discussed - I guess you need to buy his book if you want to know!)

Crafting stories: Nine Steps:
1. Set the Scene (time, place, atmosphere, conditions)
2. Introduce the characters (emotional, physical, relationship, quirk; note that introduction of the characters can occur when they enter the scene).
3. begin the journey (goal or task)
4. Encounter the Obstacle (person, thing, concept, emotion)
5. Overcome the obstacle ("how to" part of the story)
6. Resolve the story (tie up loose ends)
7. Make the point (one story, one point)
8. Ask a question (relate the story to the audience)
9. Repeat the point using same language as previously.

Performing your stories:
-show and tell, create mental images
-be an ACTOR, not a lecturer!

This session was entertaining but I am really not sure how to use this in EO courses. He did not use any slides, just talked and told stories. The audience was entertained and he had us standing up and trying out certain techniues with the peson next to us. However, I found myself wondering afterwards how many people will actually do this in their courses. Maybe I am closed-minded on this one but it seems like a niche community who will adopt this. Anyone else have thoughts? Sorry that I did not do this post in story theatre method so it was more interesting :)

1 comment:

Rajesh said...

This is directly in my wheelhouse...I would love to use story telling in courses that I teach..I used to do that in my previous life...that is why I wanted you to go to this seminar...at the course I am at, I am being coached a lot on my presetation skills (being taped and critiqued - not for the faint of heart) and am being challenged to be more personable than I usually am....